

In the framework of publicity actions and dissemination of the project «REACH: Roma women’s Empowerment and fighting discrimination in ACcess to Health» the Launch Event has been organized on March 8, 2021, through the online platform ‘’ZOOM’’.

With the presence of all the project partners but also with experienced professionals in the field such as Ms. Rania Pinaka, general practitioner and coordinating physician at TOMY Larissa, but also Ms. Alexandra Karagianni, lawyer, legal advisor to the General Secretary. Social Solidarity and the Fight against Poverty and Council of Europe expert on Roma issues. The objectives and actions of the project were presented as well as the results of the research on the recording of the current state of health of Roma women, in order to capture the state of access of Roma women to health structures in Greece.

There was also a round table discussion regarding which specific information are mandatory for healthcare professionals and executives that work in Primary Healthcare Facilities, in Community Centers (also including those that have a Roma Annex) and Non-Governmental Organizations who converse with Roma people with the aim of developing a Handbook for community workers.

Time Thematic Proposal
14:00-14:15 Presentation of the objectives and actions of the REACH Project CMT Prooptiki
14:15-14:45 Presentation of the results of the survey to record the current situation Π.Α.Δ.Α
14:45-15:15 Questions& discussion on the findings
15:15-16:45 Round table – Specialization of Handbook content for community workers regarding:
§ The right to access health services
§ Health issues & specifically sexual and reproductive health of Roma women
§ Combating stereotypes, communication, problem solving
16:45-17:00 End of meeting CMT Prooptiki