A few words about the program

The educational program «Roma women access to healthcare» aims to provide knowledge, skills, and tools to healthcare and social welfare professionals, in order to provide inclusive services to the Roma community and especially to Roma women.
The participants of the program, through targeted educational materials, through interactive online seminars (webinars) and through the testimonials of Roma men and women, will acquire:
- Knowledge regarding the Roma communities, the rights, and the challenges for accessing health services
- Knowledge regarding specific issues of sexual and reproductive health, psychological health, and in-family violence.
- Tools and good practices for the provision of inclusive health services and interconnection in the community.
The educational actions mainly address employees in Primary Healthcare facilities but also Social Services such as Community Centers (with or without Roma annex), and Non-Governmental Organizations. Specifically concerning healthcare professionals (e.g., general doctors, pathologists, pediatricians, gynecologists, family doctors, nurses, midwifes and obstetricians, and health visitors), social scientists (e.g., social workers, psychologists), administrative staff and mediators.
Educational program structure
The educational program «Roma women access to health» consists of subjects both happening in real time (synchronous) and recorded (asynchronous) learning, placing this way the participants in the center of knowledge and information about the Roma women access to healthcare and providing them the big picture regarding these kinds of issues. The educational program consists of:
- 4 Interactive online seminars (webinars), the duration of which will be 2 hours. During the webinars the participants will watch and discuss with rapporteurs who have a lot of years of experience in the field of human rights and in the field of Healthcare. To watch the webinars, there is a choice between registering for the morning or the afternoon seminar of every thematic, by registering through the respective link.
- 3 e-learning Modules with a total duration of 8 hours. The thematics of the asynchronous education focus in challenged and rights that the Roma people are facing, prevention and promotion of health, especially in the perinatal period. Each thematic is being split into subjects that contain a lot of interactive resources and comprehension activities. Through the interaction and the engagement of the participants with the thematics there is the opportunity to evaluate current knowledge and to reflect.
- 11 short duration videos, with testimonials of Roma women and men regarding the access to health services. The participants will have the opportunity to watch recorded testimonials from Roma men and women. Based on these testimonials there will follow a discussion and comprehension of the Roma point of view.
Click here to see the program and find the webinars links.


Before each seminar, it is recommended to read the corresponding topic included in the educational material of asynchronous education (e-learning).